SOLD! Rider’s Discount, the folks that provide the top quality helmets, gloves, boots, back protectors, etc. for Scotty and Eva, won the bid. Our loyal fans bid it up and gave a welcome boost for Eva’s electric land speed program.
Please visit Rider’s Discount if you are shopping for motorcycle gear and show your appreaciation for their support of the KillaCycle and the ElectroCat.
Eva will build a very limited number of these as it is very very time consuming and tedious to make such detailed models. We will put them up for sale on the KillaGear web store.
We used detailed photos of parts of the KillaCycle the same graphics files for the logos on the KillaCycle to make the graphics for the scale model, so they are an exact scale model of the real thing.
We built this scale model because many folks have asked for one, and frankly we really need the money to support our racing efforts. Help the KillaCycle go even faster by actively bidding on this very detailed 1/9th scale model of the KillaCycle, built by the KillaCycle team. The more you bid, the faster we will get the bike to go!
I must say it has a killer look. It can give killer look to guys. Are you willing to sell it out??
Thanks to Eva and Scotty for their good work!
how much did it go for ?
This bike is looking very beautiful. I am very exited to ride it. I love bikes. I want to purchase this bike.
Bandana Tube.
i want to buy a bike ………..can i have price?
i want to buy a bike;
so cn i get price list ?
manan raval
I have to say that it looks great. How I can find?